All donations are exempt from taxes. Please call us: We will be happy to advise you 044 454 22 84.
Your support helps us to implement our focus activities on site together with the local partners.
We will also be happy to provide you with detailed information on the use of donations and the current status in the various countries of origin.
Thank you very much for your donation!
The lowest transaction costs are incurred if you make the donation directly via e-banking:
Empfänger / Ort: Pakka Foundation / 6430 Schwyz, Schweiz
Bank: Zürcher Kantonalbank, Filiale Meilen
IBAN: CH23 0070 0110 0074 4679 0
If you need a payment slip
Order it with an e-mail, call or the form next to it
044 454 22 84
Conveniently, they can also transfer via Paypal. However, the credit card fee will be deducted from the amount
It is even easier with this RaiseNow form. Here, however, a further 2.5% is deducted in addition to the credit card fees.
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Broschure Pakka Foundation
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