Our Team

Foundation Board

Ueli Baruffol

Ueli Baruffol

Foundation Board President

Ueli co-founded Pakka in 2006 and is the driving force in the Pakka Group. As a qualified forestry engineer, he is very concerned about nurturing and caring. Long-term trade relationships and perseverance are thus one of the key components of the Fairtrade idea for him. In his role as President of the Foundation Board, he wants to ensure that the experience gained by the Pakka Group is applied and successful models are multiplied.

Jean-Daniel Strub

Jean-Daniel Strub

Foundation Board

Jean-Daniel is an ethicist in Zurich with two offices of his own specializing in innovation ethics (www.ethix.ch) and ethics in healthcare (www.brauerstrub.ch).He also represents the SP on the Zurich City Council and has been active in various associations/foundations in board or executive roles.He is convinced that promoting local entrepreneurship can make effective contributions to economic development in the regions where Pakka Group is active."

Dr. Piera Waibel

Dr. Piera Waibel

Foundation Board

Piera has more than 15 years of experience in sustainability management and research, with extensive work in corporations, NGOs, foundations, and consulting. Her focus is on sustainable agricultural procurement systems, rural development, inclusive business models, poverty reduction, and ecosystem regeneration.Piera has a business and sustainability background with a PhD from the University of Zurich, for which she spent 1.5 years at the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Centre (CATIE) in Turrialba, Costa Rica.

Operational team

Dorothee Lötscher

Dorothee Lötscher

Executive Director

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